Selecting Mattoon, IL Funeral Home and Cremation Services
Planning a funeral doesn’t require you to navigate this challenging industry without support. Too often, families assume that a DIY approach is a good solution, which means they attempt to minimize the services of a funeral home as much as possible. While each situation is unique, many people find that services from an experienced funeral and cremation provider in Mattoon, IL offers the best solution for stress reduction.
At Mitchell-Jerdan Funeral Home Ltd, we are here to offer the level of funeral planning support that will be best for your family. Our team doesn’t want to make you feel pressured into any funeral plan that isn’t a good fit for your needs. Instead, we’re here to provide recommendations to support your family traditions. Our caring staff and proven track record in the industry show that we are here to help your family and the community.
Our funeral home has been in the family for three generations. Over the years, we’ve maintained a family-focused approach with funeral planning. The goal is to honor your needs and requests, ensuring that you have a comfortable, healing environment where you can reminisce on the memories that were shared over the years.
Why Mitchell-Jerdan Funeral Home Ltd?
What makes our services unique compared to other funeral homes in the area? We provide both non-traditional and traditional funeral services, based on the needs and requests of your family. It’s up to you to decide on the details that will support your healing. Our job is to guide the decisions that you are making, helping you with the creation of an event that is truly custom based on your desires.
When you select a full-service funeral home, like Mitchell-Jerdan Funeral Home Ltd, you have the chance to hand-pick the services that are perfect for your ideal event. We offer various funeral packages, as well as options that can be provided as standalone services. Not only are common funeral services offered, but we also specialize in the unique industry options that give you flexibility in creating a funeral or memorial that is truly a custom experience.
As you learn about the personal, caring services that are offered by our team, you’ll see that we are working on all aspects to support your family during this challenging experience. We can help with the physical services that are required. Additionally, we provide the highest levels of compassion and care to ensure that you have our full support for emotional healing. If you are preparing for funeral services in the area, then you shouldn’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
Modern or Traditional Funeral and Cremation Services in Mattoon, IL?
As you are designing funeral services, you will need to decide if you want to maintain a modern or traditional approach for funeral planning. Often, a traditional funeral plan includes the services that you are probably familiar with based on other events: embalming so that an open-casket viewing can be held, funeral services held in a chapel or event center, the procession when driving to the cemetery, and finishing up with graveside services. This funeral plan can be a comforting way to support the needs of your family due to the familiarity that comes from funeral services that have been shared through the generations.
On the other hand, there are benefits to contemporary or modern funeral services as well. If you don’t prefer the formalities of standard funeral planning, then you might design a celebratory event designed to honor the fun memories that were shared over the years.
Here is a list of funeral planning categories that might be considered for either traditional or contemporary services:
Funeral Services
Direct Cremations
Cremation with a Service
Cremation with Confidence
What are your preferences for funeral and cremation in Mattoon, IL? As you are evaluating your options, our team is here to answer your questions and assist with your upcoming plans. Talk to Mitchell-Jerdan Funeral Home Ltd for information about the full range of services that are offered.
Preplanning to Be Ready for the Future
How will your family handle the situation if you pass away unexpectedly? No one likes to think about the idea of passing away, but every life will come to an end at some point. The most important thing that you can do is ensure that your family is prepared when it is time to pre plan a funeral for you. Our team is here to support your desires for preplanning at your convenience.
We offer everything you might desire for funeral and cremation in Mattoon, IL. If you need information about these services, then Mitchell-Jerdan Funeral Home Ltd is here to help. Visit our beautiful, convenient funeral home at 1200 Wabash Ave, Mattoon, IL 61938. Call right away to talk to the leading funeral home in the area: (217) 234-8828
Funeral Home and Cremation FAQs
When are Direct Cremation Services the Best Option?
Direct cremation services have become more popular over the years because of the simplicity behind the process. Not everyone wants a big fuss made over them when they pass on. If you are planning your own final services ahead of time, you might consider direct cremation as the right option for you. Here are some instances in which direct cremation might be the best option.
When Is Cremation the Option of Choice?
When someone in your family passes away, you will feel the choices you make on an emotional level. You may find yourself in charge of funeral or cremation services. Which will you choose for your loved one if they haven’t left instructions behind? While traditional funerals are completely respectful and honorable, so are cremation services. In some cases, cremation is the option of choice and there are a variety of reasons this might be the case for your situation. Here are a few reasons why you might find cremation to be the right disposition method for your circumstances.
Is Pre-Paying for Cremation Services a Good Idea?
If you are in the midst of planning your own cremation services
there are no hard and fast rules. It’s nice to know there’s not a right or
wrong to do things. The only way you can make mistakes is if you choose
something that’s not suited to you or your family. But the decisions are all
yours and you can move at whatever pace you’d like and choose as many of the
elements as you want. Another thing you can do, if you want to, is pre-pay for
the services you pick. This is not a necessity, but is it a good idea? Look
into the details and decide for yourself.